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Testosterone Testing Reviews

Testosterone plays a significant role in the development of muscle mass and sports performance. To boost this male hormone par excellence, think about eating healthy and getting enough sleep. You can also, as a last resort, turn to natural supplements sold in specialty stores. Be careful, doping products are not a solution. In addition to being illegal, they will harm your health and eventually run the risk of producing the opposite effect to that you expected.


The steroid hormone also plays an important role in the loss of libido, physical energy, bone density, strength, mood disorders, erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue, sleep loss, and taking fat. 

The decrease in testosterone levels produces loss of libido, lack of arousal and problems in getting a penile erection. Ginseng provides the necessary substances to help recovery. Although testosterone is the main male hormone, it is also found in women in small proportions.


Testosterone acts as a regulator of the metabolic functioning of organs, repairs damaged cells. It is also essential to stimulate sexual desire and the growth of musculature and strength. There are many ways to boost testosterone levels. If you have a habit of practicing your weight training according to the traditional approach, with intensive rehearsals, it may be time to consider a change.


Clinical trials have shown that training in resistance is more effective than other forms of exercises. Several studies have shown that the level of testosterone in the blood is higher after 8 reps than after 12. 


Testosterone home tests

A testosterone blood test in can be performed to demonstrate dysfunction of the sex glands (testicular insufficiency) or simply reveal low or high levels of the hormone. A testosterone blood test in women can be performed as part of an exploratory process linked to hirsutism.


In men, between 1 and 10 years, the values are less than 0.7 nmol/l. Between 10 and 20 years they range from 1.7 to 17.5 nmol/l while between 20 and 45 years they hover around 10 and 30 nmol/l. Between the ages of 40 and 60, the normal values of testosterone are between 7 and 28 nmol/L and between 60 and 75 years, these values vary between 3.5 and 17.5 nmol / l. After 75 years, the rates drop to reach numbers between 0.4 and 9 nmol/l.


Individuals can take advantage of self-tests to determine the current levels. Testosterone test kit reviews provide useful information that makes it easier to buy a test kit. 


Key considerations

Hormones are chemical messengers that transmit information from the endocrine glands to the hormone and they work by stimulating cellular processes. Testosterone is secreted via the bloodstream to the rest of the body. In women, the androgenic hormone is produced inside the ovaries and adrenal glands. Testosterone boosters elevate the levels in the system. 

Tribulus Terrestris is widely marketed as a booster. It is responsible for the development of external and internal reproductive organs and the stimulation of hair growth as well as the development of skeletal muscle and distribution of fat. Low androgen may result in increased secretion of other hormones. It is has a major influence on personality. 


There are studies, which suggest that a pregnant woman's testosterone levels influence the child's own composition. The hormone also affects spatial ability. Scientists believe that it promotes the development of the right brain.


It is also linked to aggressiveness especially linked to stress. Like other steroid hormones, it is produced by a long chain of reactions, starting from cholesterol and pregnenolone. These are converted through enzymatic reactions to progesterone and DHEA, which act as a precursor (prohormone) to androgen. It can be formed directly by aldosterone (via progesterone) or androstenedione (via DHEA).


The conversion is controlled by a hormone produced by pituitary glands (luteinizing hormone (LH)). In men, LH is released in response to a hypothalamic releasing hormone, GnRH, which is secreted when androgenic hormone levels are low. It regulates the amount of GnRH with negative feedback: high levels result in lower levels of GnRH. 



The main synthesis occurs in testes. They produce androgen through Leydig cells, where it has a direct effect on spermatogenesis - the production of sperm. In women, it is synthesized by theca cells of the ovaries including the placenta during pregnancy.

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